Thursday, October 19, 2006

Gross generalizations

I have met some great and intelligent people since I have lived in San Diego... but one place I have never met a girl that I would want to spend more than 5 minutes with is at a San Diego bar.

You see, when I first came down here I quickly realized that no one is actually from San Diego... so when you go into a bar and see a girl you can always go up to her and ask, "where are you from?" to start a conversation. The first few times I heard the answer to this question I was impressed... the girl would tell me, how she packed up all her stuff and moved to San Diego without a friend or a job. Wow, I would think, how independent!

But then I realized that the story was always the same and it went something like this:
"I was sitting in my room changing clothes and I looked over at myself in the mirror and I realized, I have a rockin' hot body. And then I asked myself, why am I letting this rockin' hot body go to waste under layers of clothing in [insert Midwestern state name here]?" Around this time the hair flips and the distraction has already led me to believe that maybe I am not dealing with the sharpest pencil, but she would continue... "So I realized that I needed to live somewhere near the ocean, and LA is to overwhelming, so I decided to move to San Diego."

Don't get me wrong, I am all for hot girls moving to the place I live... but the problem is that their motivations are not the most well thought out and that kinda defines the rest of their lives as well.

Now what about the people that grow up in San Diego... a few of them have to be intelligent, right? As a matter of fact, there are quite a few intellectuals that grew up down here. I went to college with a handful of them in Washington. So I decided to use the University of Puget Sound's online directory to see where, in the San Diego area, they moved back to... yeah... they did not move back. My friends that were originally from the San Diego area have scattered all over the country but have avoided the bottom left corner.

Perhaps I am just going to the wrong bars?


Anonymous said...

this explains so much!

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha, ha. :) LIA